Press Releases

Rep. Porter Introduces Bill to Help Older Adults During Coronavirus Emergency

Congresswoman’s legislation would increase support for service coordinators assisting households with seniors

WASHINGTON—Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA-45) today introduced legislation that would help older adults access the services they need during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Her bill increases support for a government program that funds service coordinators for households with seniors.

“Older adults are at high risk for illness related to COVID-19, so it’s imperative that we get them the help they need,” Congresswoman Porter said. “Orange County families know the importance of taking care of our seniors, and my legislation would provide much-needed support during this public health crisis.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults age 65 years and older are at higher risk for severe illness. Porter’s legislation would allocate an additional $300 million to fund service coordinators that assist seniors.

Congresswoman Porter has been a leader in responding to the coronavirus emergency. On January 28, 2020, she was one of the first to bring attention to COVID-19 when she led the call for a Congressional briefing from the CDC. In a committee hearing, Porter’s tough questioning secured a commitment from CDC Director that testing would be free for Americans who need it, regardless of insurance. She also called on the Administration to expedite the process for approving labs to run diagnostic tests.
