Press Releases

Reps. Porter, LaMalfa Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Modernize Permitting Process

New legislation would digitize and centralize Department of Interior permits

This week, Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) and Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) introduced the Electronic Permitting Modernization Act to streamline the Department of Interior’s permitting process. Permission to use federal lands for various activities would be easier to acquire under the bipartisan bill, which establishes a centralized location to access each type of permit.

“Inefficient, outdated processes waste taxpayer dollars and decrease people’s confidence in our government,” said Rep. Porter. “My bill with Rep. LaMalfa makes it easier for people to find information and get permission for allowed activities on public lands, and it brings transparency and accountability to the permitting process, making government work better for Americans.”

“Agencies like the Department of Interior should work for the public, not against them,” said Rep. LaMalfa. “This bill will require the Department to strip back some of their bureaucratic red tape that make the permitting process so difficult, and encourage public participation and access to federal lands. Mandating a workable website is the first step in ensuring transparency and accountability in the permitting process.”

The Electronic Permitting Modernization Act would push the Department of Interior into the 21st century by encouraging the development of electronic permits that are easily accessible. It would require the Department of Interior to centralize these permits onto one webpage and provide resources to help individuals get assistance with permitting questions. The bill establishes reporting mechanisms to help Congress hold the Department accountable for its e-permitting implementation.

Rep. Porter is committed to making government work better for the American people. She’s introduced legislation to improve and modernize the services that 14 federal agencies offer, like passport renewals, student loan payments, and tax filing. Rep. Porter has used her oversight role—and whiteboard—to hold countless Administration officials accountable for how they serve the public, including the heads of the Consumer Financial Protection BureauDepartment of Housing and Urban Development, and Centers for Disease Control

Read the bill text HERE
