Press Releases

Rep. Porter Introduces Bill to Boost Social Media Transparency

New legislation will protect users, promote accountability with Big Tech

Today, Representative Katie Porter (D-CA) introduced legislation to protect social media users from hate speech and increase transparency from tech companies. In 2023, more than half of adults and teens reported being harassed online, up 12% from 2022, but experts lack data to evaluate how well social media companies are protecting users from hate speech.

“Social media companies have a responsibility to their users to prevent harmful messages and hate speech from infecting their platforms,” said Rep. Porter. “In an increasingly digital world, Congress needs to step up to conduct oversight and set a standard of transparency. My bill would give Americans the tools they need to hold social media companies accountable for allowing damaging content on digital platforms.”

The Digital Social Platform Transparency Act would require social media companies to provide clear and accessible Terms of Service to users and report on internal content regulation processes. Under this bill, data collected about content violations, which include metrics on hate speech, racism, extremism, misinformation, harassment, and foreign political interference, would be available to the public. Additionally, companies must disclose their terms of service agreements, which must contain information on moderation practices and prohibited content, so that users can better understand how to safeguard their online communities.

The Anti-Defamation League endorsed Rep. Porter’s Digital Social Platform Transparency Act. 

“Far too much hate, harassment, and antisemitism continue to find fertile ground on digital social platforms, like social media and online gaming,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO and National Director. “Through ADL’s wide body of research, we know the first step toward fighting hate and harassment online is better understanding the actions that these platforms are taking to create a safe environment for all their users. We are grateful to Representative Porter for introducing the Digital Social Platform Transparency Act, which builds on state-level efforts ADL has long supported to create a rubric for measuring progress online. We look forward to working with policymakers on swift passage of this important measure that will be vital in the fight against online hate."

Rep. Porter has spoken out about the dangers of hate speech and long advocated for transparency from government and private corporations. Recently, Rep. Porter co-led the Disarm Hate Act to keep people convicted of hate crimes from purchasing firearms. This year, she introduced the bipartisan Pray Safe Act to protect places of worship from violence and hatred. Rep. Porter has repeatedly condemned anti-AANHPI hate in Orange County and across the country. 
