Protecting Consumers

Rep. Porter and Sen. Warren Lead 50 Lawmakers to Introduce Legislation Repealing 2018 Financial Deregulation

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Today, Representative Katie Porter (D-CA) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) introduced the Secure Viable Banking (SVB) Act with a coalition of 50 lawmakers from both chambers of Congress. Their legislation would repeal Title IV of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act of 2018, a bill that contributed to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and…

Rep. Porter Appointed to Joint Economic Committee

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Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA) has announced her appointment to the Joint Economic Committee, a panel of Representatives and Senators that monitors the economy and recommends policies to strengthen it. She is the only Californian named to serve on the panel.  Porter also released a video announcing her appointment. “As a single mom of three school-aged kids, I know how tough it…

Rep. Porter Welcomes Labor Champion Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher as 2023 State of the Union Guest

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Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA) will today be joined by Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher, head of the California Labor Federation, as her guest for President Biden’s 2023 State of the Union address.  “Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher has been a champion for workers across our state for more than a decade. I’m honored to bring her as my guest to the State of the Union and hope her presence will…

Rep. Katie Porter Introduces Bills to Protect Americans While Traveling

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WASHINGTON—Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA), a longtime consumer protection advocate, today introduced three bills to protect Americans when they travel. Porter’s new suite of legislation would impose new requirements for air travel refunds, plane seat sizes, and rental car reservations. “Too many Americans have been victims of corporate abuse while traveling, myself included, in part…

New Report by Rep. Katie Porter Exposes Big Pharma’s Launch Price Abuse

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WASHINGTON—Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA) today released a report documenting how Big Pharma has set prices for new drugs higher and higher to line its pockets. The report, “Skyrocketing: How Big Pharma Exploits Launch Prices to Cash in on Cancer,” analyzes pricing and spending data to expose how the prices of newly launched cancer drugs put patients and taxpayers at risk. “Our report…

Salon: Katie Porter pulls out chart at hearing to show corporate greed is the “biggest driver of inflation”

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During a House of Representatives hearing on Wednesday, United States Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-California) grilled Mike Konczal, the director of Macroeconomic Analysis at the Roosevelt Institute, over the primary cause of inflation in the post-COVID-19 economy. Equipped with one of her easy-to-read, data-filled posters, Porter got Konczal to admit that surging corporate profits are…

Rep. Katie Porter Introduces Bill to Protect Patients and Give Watchdogs More Transparency into Medicare-Funded Private Insurance

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WASHINGTON—Congresswoman Katie Porter today introduced legislation to help patients and government watchdogs evaluate the quality of private health insurance plans provided through Medicare. The Medicare Advantage Consumer Protection and Transparency Act, co-led by Representatives Diana DeGette (D-CO), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), improves data collection and holds…

Rep. Katie Porter Introduces Bill to Crack Down on Big Corporations Coordinating Price Hikes

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WASHINGTON—Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA) has introduced legislation that would strengthen accountability for big corporations that engage in coordinated price hikes. The Competitive Prices Act closes loopholes that price-gouging corporations exploit to escape accountability in antitrust cases. “Big corporations are gouging consumers to push their profit margins to record highs,” said…

Rep. Katie Porter Introduces Strengthened Bill to Crack Down on Political Scams

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WASHINGTON—Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA) has introduced bipartisan legislation to crack down on political fundraising scams. The Stop Scam PACs Act, co-led by Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), would empower the Federal Election Commission to take action against fraudsters who pose as political action committees (PACs) to cheat Americans. “Americans who want to participate in our political…

House Passes Rep. Katie Porter’s Legislation to Lower Gas Prices

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WASHINGTON—The House of Representatives today passed Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA)’s legislation to crack down on Big Oil’s predatory price increases at the pump. The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act, co-led by Congresswoman Kim Schrier (D-WA), would lower gas prices by making exploitative price hikes unlawful, holding market manipulators accountable, and boosting…