Press Releases

Rep. Porter Leadership Brings Improvements to John Wayne Airport

Multi-million dollar grant will enhance traveler experience, replace outdated infrastructure

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) today announced the allocation of $3.8 million from the federal Airport Improvement Program to modernize Orange County’s John Wayne Airport (SNA). The grant, secured with Rep. Porter’s advocacy, will help airport officials replace outdated infrastructure in the airport’s terminal. 

“An accessible and reliable airport strengthens our local economy and makes it easier for Orange County families to begin and finish their travels safely,” said Rep. Porter. “Broken infrastructure is the last thing travelers want to face after a long flight, and it takes significantly more dollars and time to adequately maintain aging equipment. I’m excited to bring these funds to Orange County to improve residents’ and visitors’ experience traveling through SNA.”

The Airport Improvement Program provides grants to support the planning and development of public-use airports. This grant was allocated under legislation that Rep. Porter supported in early March. It follows over $12 million in other awards for John Wayne Airport made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. 


View photos of Rep. Porter’s visit HERE.

Congresswoman Porter has long advocated for improving accessibility when Americans travel. In Congress, she’s introduced legislation to safeguard families traveling with breast milk and improve TSA screening standards. Last year, she introduced a package of bills to protect travelers from corporate abuse, including the Choices for Stranded Passengers Act, which requires airlines to promptly issue full refunds or rebook passengers who experience cancellations or significant delays, even if the airline must purchase a ticket through another carrier. Provisions from Rep. Porter’s bill became law as part of the 2024 FAA Reauthorization Act. 
